2024-2025  General Contractors @ Various Alief ISD Locations


This posting is for a general Part-Time Temporary vacancy within the district.


Some positions may be federally-funded and, as such, are contingent upon the availability of federal funds.  Please check with your hiring manager about whether the position for which you are applying is federally-funded.


Each campus or department may have different requirements pertaining to the specific assignment they wish to hire for.


Required Documents: 

As needed throughout the 2024-2025 school year


Certified Teachers - $25 per hour

Non-Certified/Degreed - $20 per hour

High School Diploma/GED Equivalent - $13 per hour

Retiree rate may differ 


Hourly rates listed above are subject to change depending on the funding allocated for the specific job you may be hired for. 

Please consult with your hiring manager beforehand.